Sunday, July 29, 2007

old settlers

Old Settlers was a shit show. Now normally if I got invited to an "adult dance" held in a barn at a founder's day type festival, I would be a little skeptical that a good time was going to be had. The moment I walked up, the local policeman checked my ID, which I thought was very official for Ferndale. Upon walking in I find out that drink tickets are $3.00 and that includes mixed drinks. Thank you Old Settlers. My first drink was a little less than half vodka and then some cran. As the night went on and the bartender ladies got more drunk, the drinks got stronger. My last drink was barely red they put so much vodka and so little cranberry in it. Those were my type of ladies. After we cruised the dance and nothing super exciting was going on, we headed to the mainstreet bar where a sweet oldies cover band was playing with a HOT bassist. I tried to make eyes at him, I'm sure it failed miserably seeing that I was 5 vodka crans into the night. Old guys grinded on us and then said, "I like the way you swing" hahahaha ew. All and all it was a good time, I had a lot of fun, and a lot of drinks for not too much money. Oh Old Settlers, what a shit show.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

not just dogs

So I just read an article about children who are left in the car in the heat and die. It says that since parents are being advised to keep their children in the back seat to avoid death my air bag, many just leave them on accident there!

Kevin Kelly is a law-abiding citizen who, much distracted, left his beloved 21-month-old daughter in a sweltering van for seven hours. Frances Kelly had probably been dead for more than four hours by the time a neighbor noticed her strapped in her car seat; when rescue personnel removed the girl from the vehicle, her skin was red and blistered, her fine, carrot-colored hair matted with sweat. Two hours later, her body temperature was still nearly 106 degrees.

Ok I know that one can get distracted fairly easily, but FOR SEVEN HOURS! Who in their right mind doesn't notice that their 21-month-old daughter has been missing for seven hours and doesn't think anything of it. Not to mention that a neighbor had to find her, he didn't even wise up. I can see taking the groceries in and whatnot and forgetting in the hustle, but then five minutes later you probably go "OH SHIT" and run back out to the car. I mean, thats insane.

Full Story

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Diane Arbus

Photo by Diane Arbus

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Q Mr. President, music is one of our largest exports the country has. Currently, every country in the world -- except China, Iran, North Korea, Rwanda and the United States -- pay a statutory royalty to the performing artists for radio and television air play. Would your administration consider changing our laws to align it with the rest of the world?

THE PRESIDENT: Help. (Laughter.) Maybe you've never had a President say this -- I have, like, no earthly idea what you're talking about. (Laughter and applause.) Sounds like we're keeping interesting company, you know? (Laughter.) Look, I'll give you the old classic: contact my office, will you? (Laughter.) I really don't -- I'm totally out of my lane. I like listening to country music, if that helps. (Laughter.)

I don't expect the president to know all the laws. He probably doesn't know most. The part that I find offensive in this is not that he really has no clue and comes off sounding like a complete and utter idiot. The really offensive part, is that he listens to country, "if that helps".

Monday, July 23, 2007

Draft College Republicans


This is blowing my mind. This guy had a bunch of other art pieces also. People make art out of the craziest stuff. This is just impressive though. I like the pile on the ground. I like short sentences.


colon issues?

I don't give a shit what is in President Bush's colon unless it's a new foreign policy, or a new outlook on abortion and gay marriage (amongst other things). Apparently the rest of the world does not feel the same:


Sunday, July 22, 2007

Tammy Faye

Tammy Faye Bakker died! Since I'm not very religious, and was barely alive during the 80's she's most notable to me for having a fraudulent husband and befriending Ron Jeremy on The Surreal Life. In either case, still sad. I was always fascinated by her Make-Up.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

under dog

How dare they sully the good name of Under Dog with this new bullshit. I don't care who the hell is in this movie, if it's not the classic animated one that filled my childhood with joy then it shouldn't have been made. Yeah, I said it. I mean honestly.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007


"BigDog is powered by a gasoline engine that drives a hydraulic actuation system. BigDog's legs are articulated like an animal's, and have compliant elements that absorb shock and recycle energy from one step to the next. BigDog is the size of a large dog or small mule, measuring 1 meter long, 0.7 meters tall and 75 kg weight.

Maybe the creepiest thing I've ever seen.

Dem or Rep?

It's like the adult version of Hot or Not:

Essentially you guess whether the person is Republican or Democrat based on their photo. If you sign up you can have it keep score for you and whatnot. It's kinda fun ... for about three minutes.

Name My Vote

Monday, July 16, 2007


I'm not a religious person. I never have been. Well I take that back, I have a very distinct memory of sitting on my bed in my childhood listening to the old testament on a cassette tape. So I was lazy in my attempts to be religious, so what. I've been to church once, because I was spending the night at a friend's house and they went to church on Sundays. I have never felt the need in my life to have religion. I often feel like people use it as a crutch, a way to blame all the good things and bad things away on someone else that may or may not exist. I do agree that the world is nutty and some things just don't make sense, but I'm OK with not understanding why things happen, I don't need to always blame them on someone. I also feel that people use religion as a threat, and as a weapon, and as a way to make others feel bad about themselves and each other. The war we are currently in has very clear religious undertones (if not blatant overtones). The hypocrisy's of religions don't escape me, choosing sins which to punish and other to not, reading the bible ver batim instead of a guide, and using only certain parts to follow absolutely while other areas we can fudge. Of course here I'm mainly talking about western religion and by that I mean christianity. (sidebar: fuck you spell check for telling me to capitalize that). It's all just a bunch of gobblty-goop to me. Now on that note, may I just say that some of the most influential people in my life have been and are religious. My dear sweet roommate is one of the most devoutly religious people that I know, and bless her heart she still loves me. She is one of the few religious people who I feel like I can have an intelligent conversation with about religion and not feel like at any moment they are going to try and baptize me without consent. Tom one of our dearest family friends from home is another person I feel like this with. He is one of the mucky mucks for the Methodist church in Washington and across the Northwest and one of about 5 liberals in Cashmere, so of course I love him. I can and have had very long conversations about religion, gay marriage, acceptance, the role of the church, the interference of the church and so on and so forth, and each time I feel like I come away with a better understanding of what religion means, and he comes away with a better understanding of what not believing is. My grandmother is another person who was quite religious. She died about 8 months ago and I miss her terribly. It's for people like her who I know believed so greatly in God and in heaven that I hope I am wrong, and she's chillin upstairs forcing people to eat sandwiches and giant bowls of ice cream like she did when she was alive. I want to believe for her sake.

There have only been a couple times when I genuinely felt judged for my beliefs (or lack there of). Whenever people ask me, and I say that I'm not religious and I don't really believe in organized religion I usually get a couple looks, but one time in particular I really felt like an outcast. Picture the scene: it's Superbowl Sunday 2007, most of America is trashed by 10:00 AM and have consumed enough fried foods and chips to kill a rhino. I am sitting in a friend's apartment with some of the most pushy religious people I've ever met. Now it would be unfair at this point to lump them all together. There was my roommate, her boyfriend, and his roommate, and then the boyfriend's sister and brother-in-law. All of which I have hung out with several times and are great people, and have never once made me feel uncomfortable about my beliefs. Before the party even started the roommate, boyfriend and boyfriend's roommate all approached me and said, "Diana, there is going to be a guy here who you will not get along with, you will hate each other, please avoid him". Thinking that I'm pretty diplomatic, I call them crazy and get on with the party. Then I meet him. He introduced his wife as "my wife", when she is standing right there, and on the first dirty commercial starts ranting about tv ratings and how 'filth' is all over the airwaves. Gag me. I held my tongue for the sake of everyone else, but I wanted to punch him. Throughout the party I learned that everyone there was from their church, and I was the only person who was clearly not 'saved'. I then felt very alone. They started talking about church, and bible study and all this stuff that I find to be a complete crock and I had to sit there feeling guilty about drinking my second corona, and not say anything. I actually got looks when I cracked open that second beer too, does God not believe in a healthy amount of drunk? He should, has he listened to these people drone on and on? Well all in all, it made me feel a little guilty for always judging people who are religious because I was finally on the other side. Mostly it made me want to punch that guy in the face, but at least none of them threw holy water one me ... that I know of ...

cool stuff

Work was slow today. These are things I found on the internet:

I like tattoos. I think that tattoos can be really sexy. This, not so sexy. I would like to see an estimate on the amount of money he's spent on those tattoos, thats dedication. One thing you do have to give him credit for, guts. Who the hell would hire a guy that looked like that ....

The second cool thing I found today, I actually didn't find. Yahoo found it, but I found it interesting, so I'm claiming it:

I just think it's cool. There was a picture on this guys site that showed the paint when it was peeled off and it was half an inch thick. I wonder what that feels like ...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

the lights

You know that moment when you're dancing your heart out to some Ludacris song (or Come on Eileen if it's 80's night) and the lights turn on at the bar? That has got to be the most embarrassing moment of the entire bar experience. Sure nasty guys are grinding on you all night, drinks get spilled on your feet, your makeup runs, and you inevitably fall down at some point, but it's all under the cover of darkness! The moment that the lights turn on, everyone sees each other NOT under the glow of black light and pabst neon signs. It's horrible, you finally have to look that creeper in the face thats been grinding on you all night, you see your horribly dirty feet, the pool of mascara and eyeliner under your eye and the rips in the knee of your jeans from the falling incident. Not to mention that you have a little tinge of shame for closing down the bar, making it to, and past, last call and still dancing like a moron. You have to stumble out the door trying not to look anyone in the face, especially the poor sober idiots who work where ever you chose to mortify yourself tonight, that can't be fun. Then two hours later, after a pita, cheesy fries, or dumplings (whichever is your favorite downtown drunken haunt) you think to yourself, "a lot of flash bulbs were going off in my face, but none of my friends had cameras. How do I find that one kid's facebook and try delete these pictures .... or at least see if they tagged me 'icky girl', 'sleezy girl', or 'some random'". Ahh going out, it's just as glamorous as I always hoped.

Saturday, July 14, 2007


Dear God. People do crazy things just to say that they did them. Now don't get me wrong, I would love to say that I have, jumped out of a plane, sailed around the world, walked across hot coals, all that stuff. This guy wanted to be able to say he ran with the bulls. I think the look on his face is the exact one that I had when I first viewed this picture. It's almost like where's waldo, I didn't even notice it at first. Ugh. I think whats even better is that you can literally see the exact outline of the horn in his leg, all the way up to his knee. This photographer should be making a shit ton of money off of this.
(photo from Yahoo!)

Friday, July 13, 2007

Crack Heads

So I was just talking to Miss Emily and I was telling her about my obsession with Intervention on A&E. I then told her about how I think about weird stuff like, how the heck do you just find a drug dealer? Do you need to have an in with someone and then start using their drug dealer? It perplexes me! My biggest drug dealer related question has to be though, what happens when if a crack head moves? Say I was doing crack in Cashmere and then moved up here to Bellingham, how do I get the hookup for a new drug dealer? Wander the streets, call my old dealer and ask for a referral, advertise? It's a mystery to me. Ok well, I'm running off of two hours of sleep and Intervention IS on in the other room, so I should go. But I still do wonder about how those crack heads find their blow. (Is blow coke? Is crack still considered blow? So many questions about the drug culture ....)

Friday, July 6, 2007

80's night

i spilled a full glass of pabst on my leg and brand new shirt tonight. it was unfortunate. i'm glad the nightlight opened back up also, it was a good time, even though there were only like 20 people there for the re-opening. so, a boy was all about dancing with me, until i showed no interest, then he cursed and left, it cracked me up a little, until i remembered i'm hard up hahahahaha. oh shit. i'm drunk.

Monday, July 2, 2007

journalistic integrity

Finally. A small stand against the 'news' of Paris Hilton.

Not only does she flat refuse to talk about it, she tries to burn it, rips it, and then keeps refusing to read it as it's put in front of her. As her colleagues try to read the story she looks visibly disgusted, which just makes me happy. Now I'll admit, I can be a bit of a whore for celebrity news, but does it really have a place on MSNBC and CNN? No. Does it belong in People, In Touch and US weekly, absolutely. I have a soft spot in my heart for those publications, nothing beats sitting out by a pool or on a dock with a cold beer (or bitch beer) and reading about who is dating who and who has the worst cellulite. When these stories are taking top billing over stories about the war, the race for the presidency and the like, I start to take issue. It's never a slow enough news day to have Paris Hilton getting out of jail be the top story. It was nice to see that someone would stop and try to take a stand. Even though she probably got heavily reprimanded, if not severely punished, and her colleagues ended up giving the story anyway, at least she took the time to make a point. Paris Hilton is not news.