Saturday, August 1, 2009

I Moved!

Well, it's official, I have moved into the new awesome apartment. I also decided to hire a decorator to help me put a really fancy new spin on the place. So my decorator came over yesterday after I cleaned the crappy place and bid the movers goodbye. OK so maybe it wasn't a decorator but it was Rachel and she helped push couches around, and unpack boxes while I whined about how my feet hurt and took a shower. We went to Target (of course) and bought a shit ton of stuff. We went to happy hour and came back to my apartment after buying about 64 oz of energy drink, to build and arrange the shit I bought. Turns out that one slip cover didn't fit, so back to Target and another full cart of stuff. At the end of the day though I have new slip covers, throw pillow, rug, comforter, shams, curtains, curtain rods, bathroom cabinet, mattress pad, three pillows, and a lamp that me and Rachel bickered over for a good ten minutes. The place is looking GOOD if I do say so myself. I unpacked for a while today but lost steam so I went on a walk and then came to a coffee shop to pirate wireless since mine doesn't work at the new place. Damn you Clearwire! Also today I had the extreme pleasure of finding out that I'm not the only person who loves Hall and Oates (I'm excluding Tar Tar for arguments sake), Mr. A Kane ALSO loves H&O. We quoted Rich Girl back and forth. A. Kane, (if you read this) may I just say that if I didn't already love to tremendously, I love you tremendously now. Anyone who adores H&O is good in my book.

OK, I think that's all I have for now, my coffee is almost gone and I need to read texts from last night, and go grocery shopping yet.

Bye Bye