Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dead Beaver

So today one of my co-workers asked me to take her dog on a walk. Clearly somewhere in my job description it says dog walker. To be honest I don't care, I got to get out of the office and play with a cute dog. So I'm walking along and the dog just darts down the stairs next to my office (which is next to Whatcom Creek), so I finally catch up and there is the dog pawing at this big brown lump. Well upon closer examination I see a huge flat tail, giant teeth and really long nails. It was a beaver. A dead beaver. So I go inside and call the humane society to come pick it up. The big man came about an hour later and picked it up. HE STRUGGLED! Think about that, I giant man whose whole job is the containment and removal of animals struggled with the giant-ness of this beaver! I watched in a very interested way. Then I just kinda finished the rest of my work. That was all. The highlight of my day was the removal of a dead beaver from the stairs of my work. Thank goodness I spent the money on a college degree.

Monday, January 5, 2009


Has anyone seen this show? I kinda love it. I watched the first season in one day, then most of the second the next day, now I'm finishing up the end of season two right now. It's about drugs, it's semi-pornographic, witty, and full of dark humor. Pretty much it's perfect. Also the seasons were only $12.99 at target, double booyah.

Booyah Booyah.

Friday, January 2, 2009

yeah yeah yeah so paid

It's a rap song, don't judge me for knowing that.

Today I woke up with a terrible pain my toe, enough so that I did not go work out. Instead I went and got a haircut, a really cute haircut. I'm glad that I have short hair again (even though I've had it for four months). Then it was spinster Friday, thats right my friends, Spinster-hood is creeping into the weekdays. I suspect that I may get three days of spinster-ness this week! noice.

Two Jay Jay texts, one call. All ignored. I learned my lesson from arby's. I'm not encouraging it. And as Rachel said, "our new year's resolution is to not go to the royal, ironically made ... at the royal."

It's a work in progress.

I'm a third done with Harry Potter 6. Harry Potter 7 may be started by the end of the weekend. I think I might read my lovely Women & Money book next, since I'm trying to save money and not be in debt anymore. My Mom will be so proud.

Thursday, January 1, 2009


Well I rung in the New Year in style. Cracktivity consisted of me dressed like Arby's but shot (cracktivity was Railroad and Holly themed), Rachel with a beard made of eyeshadow and a total of 8 40s, 7 sparks, many mixed drinks and I believe four bottle of Champagne. Amongst us all of course. Then we got a little tipsy and bored and guess where we ended up!?!? The Royal ... gross. Highlights of my night?

Dancing with a weird guy all night, then when it actually hit midnight he turned away from me and called someone on his phone.
Ditched him started dancing with a guy named Jay Jay with a touch screen blackberry that I stopped all conversation with him to play with.
Bekka ran away and we had to beg the Royal bouncer to go find her coat she left inside after they closed down.
We couldn't get a cab and between 8 people all of whom either do, did, live in the ham or at least know people there we could not find a freaking ride so we walked 4.5 miles in the rain to Rachel's house. Did I mention my coat didn't have a hood?

Favorite Jay Jay quotes of the night?
"Gurl, you dance like you know what you're doing"
"You ever have chocolate gurl, once you go black you never go back baby"
"I just wanna kick it wit you gurl"
"Shawty you hot, UHH"

Jay Jay was a peach.
Also while we were on the bus on the way downtown a man told us that we were hot as fish grease. He was a sweetie!

2009 goals?
-Learn to drive a stick
-Balance my checkbook
-Pay off my credit card and parents
-Do my dishes

Also I got a raise yesterday, and my insurance starts on Monday so my pneumonia can't really kick in until then.

Happy ought nine kiddos!